
Oman Airports


Reimagining the Passenger Experience.


  • What It Serves: This domain aims to transform the airport journey into a seamless, enjoyable experience for passengers through both technological innovations and process enhancements. It addresses the entire spectrum of the passenger journey, from check-in to boarding, focusing on reducing stress and enhancing comfort.
  • Focus Area: Startups should focus on developing practical, commercializable solutions, which can affect and enhance the passenger journey and passenger eco system.
  • Objectives: To improve overall passenger satisfaction, reduce waiting times, and create a more personalized travel experience.
  • Potential Target Audience: All passengers, with a particular focus on enhancing the experience for frequent flyers and international travelers.
  • Note: Innovation is encouraged to explore beyond the mentioned objectives, aiming for comprehensive solutions that can redefine the passenger experience.

Reimagining Airport Operations.


  • What It Serves: Focuses on optimizing the efficiency and effectiveness of airport operations through innovation in process management and technology application.
  • Focus Area: Startups are encouraged to develop actionable, market-ready solutions that streamline operations, improve staff efficiency, and enhance the operational decision-making process.
  • Objectives: To reduce operational delays, optimize resource allocation, and improve the overall efficiency of airport operations.
  • Potential Target Audience: Airport operators, airlines, and ground service providers.
  • Note: Solutions should not be limited to technology alone but also consider process innovations and improvements. Make the Operations of an airport easier.

The Future of Airport Entertainment.


  • What It Serves: Aims to revolutionize the way passengers spend their time at airports by introducing innovative entertainment options that go beyond traditional approaches, enhancing the overall travel experience.
  • Focus Area: The development of scalable, commercializable entertainment solutions that can cater to a diverse passenger demographic, including digital and physical entertainment platforms.
  • Objectives: To increase passenger satisfaction during wait times and create new revenue streams for airports.
  • Potential Target Audience: Passengers with layovers, families, and business travelers looking for relaxation or workspaces.
  • Note: Innovation should strive to create unique, engaging experiences that cater to the needs and preferences of a wide passenger base.

Marketing, Comms, Loyalty, and Retention.


  • What It Serves: Focuses on building strong relationships with passengers through effective communication, targeted marketing, and personalized loyalty programs. This domain aims to enhance passenger engagement and retention, creating a positive brand image.
  • Focus Area: Development of data-driven marketing solutions, innovative loyalty programs, and effective communication channels that resonate with passengers.
  • Objectives: To increase passenger loyalty, drive repeat business, and enhance overall satisfaction with the airport’s services.
  • Potential Target Audience: Frequent flyers, business travelers, and any passenger seeking a more personalized airport experience.
  • Note: Startups are encouraged to think broadly, exploring innovative approaches to marketing, communications, and loyalty beyond traditional methods.

Automation, Efficiency, and Cost Reduction Solutions.


  • What It Serves: Applies automation technologies and efficient process redesigns to streamline different operational outputs, with a focus on solutions that can be quickly brought to market and offer clear cost benefits.
  • Focus Area: Implementation of robotic process automation, AI, and other technologies to enhance operational efficiency in different domains.
  • Objectives: To streamline operational activities, reduce manual labor, and cut operational expenses.
  • Potential Target Audience: Airport management and operational teams.
  • Note: Solutions should explore a range of innovative approaches to process and digital solutions, aiming for practical and commercializable outcomes.

Transport Beyond the Airport.


  • What It Serves: Enhances connectivity between airports and surrounding regions, focusing on practical and deployable services that improve passenger convenience and accessibility.
  • Focus Area: Development of integrated transport solutions and innovative partnerships to enhance accessibility.
  • Objectives: Improve access to airports and convenience for passengers, facilitating smoother transitions between different modes of transport.
  • Potential Target Audience: Passengers, tourists and business travelers. Note: Innovation is encouraged to span beyond current objectives, targeting comprehensive transport solutions.

Cargo Handling and Time Efficiency.


  • What It Serves: Aims to streamline cargo operations, improving efficiency and reducing processing times through innovative logistics solutions
  • Focus Area: Implementing advanced tracking systems, automating cargo handling processes, and optimizing logistics workflows.
  • Objectives: To enhance time efficiency in cargo operations, improve accuracy and handling capacity, and meet the growing demands of air freight efficiently.
  • Potential Target Audience: Cargo operators, logistics companies, and businesses relying on air freight services.
  • Note: Innovation is key, with a focus on practical, scalable solutions that address current challenges in cargo handling and logistics.

Safety, Security, Cyber and Privacy.


  • Focus: Ensuring well-being, protecting assets, and upholding privacy within the airport environment.
  • Objectives: Mitigate risks, prevent unauthorized access, safeguard against potential threats, and respect the privacy of travelers.
  • Goal: Create a secure and trustworthy airport environment by prioritizing safety, protecting against cyber threats, and respecting the privacy of individuals throughout their travel experience.
  • Potential Target Audience: All airport users including passengers, staff, and stakeholders involved in airport operations.
  • Note: While the focus is on deploying practical security measures, innovation can extend beyond these objectives to explore new methods of ensuring safety and privacy.

Sustainability and Environment Solutions.


  • Focus: Generating eco-friendly tools to reduce the environmental impact of airport operations by achieving a balance between airport development and ecological preservation through sustainable practices.
  • Objectives: Integrate renewable energy, create energy-efficient methods to reduce costs, and protect the environment.
  • Goal: To promote sustainability within airport operations, ensuring a minimal environmental footprint while balancing development needs.
  • Potential Target Audience: Airport management, environmental organizations, passengers, and broader community stakeholders.
  • Note: Innovations are encouraged to pursue comprehensive solutions that address environmental challenges, going beyond the current objectives to include new sustainable practices.